RALTeam Core

As shown above, RALTeam Core involves seven types of expressions which can be combined to define an overall team selection condition (SelectTeamExpr), whose configuration is supported by two types of constraints. As this module is focused on team properties and not on team members, it is independent from the RAL ODDAH modules.

  • TeamIDExpr allows directly specifying the team to be selected by team ID, e.g. TEAM Perm_RE_1. 
  • TeamSizeExpr allows specifying the number of team members the selected team must have with a TCardinalityConstraint, e.g. TEAM WITH AT MOST 3 MEMBERS.
  • TeamRoleExpr allows specifying a set of team role types the selected team must contain, i.e., they are played by some team members, e.g. TEAM CONTAINING TEAM ROLE TYPE Coordinator.
  • TeamTypeExpr allows specifying the type of the team to be selected among three options, namely (i) a specific type, (ii) the same type as another team defined by a SelectTeamExpr, or (iii) a type different than the type of another team defined by a SelectTeamExpr. For instance, TEAM OF TYPE LIKE ((TEAM Perm_RE_1) OR (TEAM Temp_AT_2)).
  • TeamCreatorExpr specifies the creator of the team to be selected using options similar to the TeamTypeExpr, e.g. TEAM CREATED BY Marc.
  • TeamScopeExpr allows specifying the scope of the team to be selected using options similar to the TeamTypeExpr, the only difference being that the specific scope can be defined according to the three types of scopes described in the metamodel with a ScopeConstraint. For instance, TEAM WITH SCOPE ACTIVE DURING THE EXECUTION OF PROCESS bp1 selects all the permanent teams and the temporary teams whose scope fits with the one specified in the expression, i.e., teams active while bp1 is running.
  • TeamCompoundExpr allows combining the aforementioned expressions with the AND and OR operators, e.g. TEAM (WITH AT LEAST 4 MEMBERS) OR (OF TYPE Advance Tests).