RALTeam Member

As shown in bold letters in the figure above, RALTeam Member extends RALTeam Core to include conditions for team selection. To this end, it adds a new type of expression TeamMemberExpr that uses a MembershipConstraint to specify mandatory team members, and optionally the team role type(s) that they must play. Specifically, it allows specifying (i) a concrete person, resulting in sentences such as TEAM WHOSE MEMBERS INCLUDE Marc, or TEAM WHOSE MEMBERS INCLUDE Marc PLAYING TEAM ROLE TYPE Coordinator; (ii) a number of people, e.g. TEAM WHOSE MEMBERS INCLUDE EXACTLY 2 PEOPLE PLAYING TEAM ROLE TYPE Implementer; or (iii) a certain number of people with specific characteristics defined with PeopleSelection, which include: 
The CreatorConstraint is also extended to provide more details about the team creator by means of a RAL expression.