RALTeam History

RALTeam History extends RALTeam Core in order to select teams based on the history of collaborative activities. To do so, SelectTeamExpr is extended with a new expression type, as shown in bold letters in the figure above. 

Specifically, TeamHistoryExpr defines conditions for team selection depending on the task duties that other teams performed in the past. Task duties indicate whether a resource acts as Responsible, Accountable, Support, Consulted or Informed in the execution of an activity. As represented in ActivityRef, a concrete activity can be specified but it is not mandatory. There are two main types of expressions supported by this extension: (i) local or dynamic, which refer to activities of the ongoing BP instance, i.e., DSoD and DBoD applied to teams, e.g. TEAM WHICH HAS BEEN RESPONSIBLE FOR ACTIVITY SubmitPaper IN CURRENT INSTANCE; and (ii) global or static, referring to activities of other BP instances, i.e., SSoD and SBoD applied to teams, e.g. TEAM WHICH HAS BEEN INVOLVED IN ANY ACTIVITY FROM 01.08.2013 TO 31.08.2013.

TaskDuty, HistoryExpr and BPHistoryExpr belong to RAL AC/History. We show them here for the sake of understandability.